The basic posture is essential in order to make a stable
sound, while not getting tired, by getting used to the distance to the taiko.
We are explaining here about the posture and some little observations toward the position of each part of the body when hitting the Nagado Daiko(also known as Miya Daiko).
Firstly, there are 2 ways to stand in front of the taiko: The Kiba Tachi and the Zenkutsu Tachi.
Kiba Tachi
It has a brave look and it is
the most adequate for training
the leg muscles.
Zenkutsu Tachi
It has a neat look and is the
most natural posture.
Next, the 2 ways to open the arms: Hassou and Gyaku Hassou.
Gyaku Hassou
The arms are placed as an
opposite “八”(hachi, number
8 in Kanji)
All the energy is concentrated
into the abdomen.
It is adequate to grasp the feeling
of fully hitting a taiko.
The arms are placed as an “八”
(hachi, number 8 in Kanji)
The energy is focused to the outside of the body.
It is adequate to show the
body bigger and braver.
Both of them have merits.
In our blog we are going to explain further the Yokouchi(horizontal hit) and Nanameuchi(diagonal hit) by the Gyaku Hassou method.
Therefore, we are going to explain the Tateuchi also with focus on the Gyaku Hassou in Zenkutsu Tachi posture.
Lower body
The legs are opened in a wide length.
The right foot comes one step behind
and the left knee should be bent a little.
Upper Body
Relax the shoulders and keep the arms directed to the center of the taiko’s face center.
**Common mistakes**
Arms are so low
There is so much power in the shoulders
Body Angle
When hitting the face, the upper body should have an perpendicular inclination (90 degrees) to the taiko’s face.
When hitting the edge, the upper body should have an inclination of about 45 degrees to the edge.
Depth and Width
Depth: Extend the upper arm and be sure the line of the elbow is forward the line forward the body.
In order to avoid injuries, the thumb joint should come in front directed to the edge.
**Bad Example**
The bent arm gives an uncool impression. Also, the hitting power has a big reduction.
Width: The Bachi should be inside the vertical line around the body.
The fist height should be the sufficient to one fist enter between the fist and the taiko’s face. (Distance of about 10 to 15 cm)
The bachi should have an inclination of about 45 degrees to the taiko’s face. The arms about 30 degrees.
Gripping Hand: direction for clock hand at 1:55 or 11:05
Spear Hand: direction for clock hand at 5:35 or 7:25
After getting used to the basic posture and learning the position and relation of distance to the taiko, one may get to be able to hit each sound with hegemony, repeating the same position, trajectory and vibration naturally.
It may be a tough exercise, but it can not just help the body development but also can be a very good brain training, so why not give a try? 🙂
Japanese drum teaching material series,to be continues.coming soon!!